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Apr 6, 2010

Tuesday's Things to Click On (4/6/10)

Programming note: the Dudes/Ladies tourneys are more or less going to kick my ass for the next 4 weeks or so, so there will likely continue to be no TGITDNMAR until they're over. I know this news is a bit late, but I wanted to make it official and throw that out there. Why that and not this weekly feature axed? I dunno. I guess I just like to spread the love, baby.

Movies watched for the first time (non-theatrically) since last week:
None. Ever since we got a DVR (sidenote: what's the deal with DVRs being called PVRs in Canada?), I've developed a terrible habit: starting movies and taking forever to finish them. I must have 12 movies (if not more) in some state of watch at present. This week I added two more to that list, The Hustler and Tapeheads. So pretty similar stuff. Thoughts on these (and maybe five others) to come if and when I finish the,

Music I'm currently obsessed with:
* The song "Sticks & Stones" by Sigur Rós frontman Jónsi Birgisson that plays over the end credits of How to Train Your Dragon. Listen to it here. I'm pretty sure that all of my favorite Sigur songs are their more uptempo ones, and this solo effort uptempoes them all (and it's in English to boot, though that makes less difference than you might think). My love of this song will undoubtedly spill over to his solo album, Go, which is out now. Speaking of now, I'm about to go listen to it for the first time...right now.

Book I'm currently reading:
Finished "The Year of Living Biblically" and I'd recommend it for the secular and religious alike. Though it's probably a bit slanted towards the secular, author A.J. Jacobs does a good job of keeping an open mind no matter how bizarre the ritual he's asked (commanded) to perform.

Now, after having finally seen the filmed version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I've received and begin The Girl Who Played with Fire. Always nice when you get a chance to spend more time with characters you came to know and love. Better yet - one more book to go after this one.

Finally, the Things to Click On:
* Anomalous Material is back with his second round of tips for bloggers old and young, movie or otherwise. Not groundbreaking, but solid info that some people need to be reminded of.

* The Mad Hatter took a fun (bad) joke and turned it into an even better April Fool's prank. If you don't understand this one, you clearly don't listen to the LAMBcast.

* The next time you're taking part in one of the various LAMB blog-a-thons (or the LAMMYs)m think of Branden. I'll do my best to as well.

* He spring it unwittingly on me and so many other innocents, and I think one good turn does another. That's right - it's He Shot Cyrus' list of Top Five Actors I Never Wanted to See Naked.

* I celebrated a milestone earlier this week, but at least I didn't have to post for 47 straight days to do it like Rachel did. All reviews, mind you - no filler like that lazy Fletch guy does every now and then.

* Finally, Tom's back from an unwelcome hiatus and wants to talk trailers.

4 people have chosen wisely: on "Tuesday's Things to Click On (4/6/10)"

Ryan McNeil said...

Thanks for giving my manatee chicanery a plug...I'm still pretty proud of that.

I'm with ya in wanting to read the Dragon Tattoo series, but given the stack of books I already have on the go (which is worse than my dvd pile), I might have to leave them until later on in the summer.

Castor said...

Thanks for giving my puny post some link love!

Rachel said...

Thanks for the link love again, Fletch. I've noticed I have the same problem as you do with watching films on DVR, only for me it's Netflix Watch Instantly. I swear, I'll watch 20 minutes and have to get up to do something, come back for 20 minutes, lather rinse repeat.

Fletch said...

Hatter - they'll be good late summer/fall books.

Castor - puny? How's that?

Rachel - sleep plays a factor, for sure. I'll turn a movie on at 11:00 with the intention of finishing it, but I rarely make it through.