Here it is a few weeks after CAGEFEST has ended and I'm finally putting up a new poll. Better late than never, I suppose. No real surprise with the results of your favorite and least favorite Cage flicks, though -
Raising Arizona won big as the fave (though I'm wondering what all the "Other" votes were for, and
Ghost Rider edged out
City of Angels as the least fave. Thankfully, I've not seen
Ghost Rider and don't plan to anytime soon. Score one for me.

This time out, a philosophical question of sorts. Can you name just one favorite film? I don't know if I can...
20 people have chosen wisely: on "Poll results; new poll"
Favorite Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's been the answer without hesitation for at least 3 years.
I love The Rock, thanks buddy.
The Power of One, since I first saw it about 15 years ago. I thought everybody had an immediate go-to favorite for this one! Nothing to do with best, but isn't there one movie that means more to you than any other?
There's no room for me in that poll!
Eternal Sunshine is a great pick.
The Rock is a horrendous pick.
I'd have trouble. When it comes up, my answer is either Fletch, Pulp Fiction or Fight Club, usually, with The Princess Bride and Eternal Sunshine not far behind.
And yea - I suck, Daniel. Guess I'll have to kill the votes already there and edit. Bad oversight there.
No way, man. People love the polls, and there's always going to be some clown who doesn't find their answer in the given choices no matter what.
Fight Club and Pulp Fiction are my number 2 and 3 spots, but they alternate depending on my mood.
FYI: If I'm having a girl, it will be Mia (after Mrs. Mia Wallace). If it's a boy, Tyler, after the coolest film character EVER, Mr. Durden. No, I'm not kidding.
My favorites depend...
Shaun of the Dead is always on the list, though, as is Little Shop of Horrors (musical remake). Bang Bang You're Dead is one of the most powerful movies ever made and I advocate it whenever possible... Then there's Leon. I dunno, it's hard to narrow down...
loved, loved, loved Nick and Norah!
Rachel - first of all, you have excellent taste, as our top three are essentially the same. :) Second, a good friend of mine named his first son Tyler for the same reason. Though, if it's a girl, what about Clementine? ;)
Nick - I've barely heard of Bang Bang, much less seen it. I'll have to go to IMDb to read more about it.
Fight Club!
Though that was pretty obvious by my screenname.
My answer has been Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory for a long time now. Not that creepy remake with Johnny Depp - the original musical starring the wonderful Gene Wilder.
Fletch, I would seriously LOVE to name my daughter Clementine, but I'm not sure the husband would okay it. We decided on Mia a long time ago, but it may need to come back under discussion. I could always play the girly card and cry:)
I love The Boondock Saints. Willow/Braveheart/Last of the Mohicans are all close too.
Nope, can't do it.
The Taking of Pelham...One, Two, Three!
Ah, ah, ah.
An impossible challenge.
You cruel, cruel blogger, you.
I'm probably a bit late to catch on to this one,
but you're recent cage fest inclines me to believe this will be of interest to you Fletch!
I always have the same answer: "You mean, after Star Wars?"
I might be a bit outta my demographic here on that one though. I also find it hard to have a new-ish movie be my fave due to the bias of recently, so in general I keep top films non-inclusive of recent releases unless its an 'of the year' list.
though I'm wondering what all the "Other" votes were for
Vampire's Kiss?
I keed, I keed!
I narrow it down to five or so.
One problem for me is that the top spot is consistently taken up by LOTR... so do I count that as one movie or three?
I'm also a big fan of Love Actually, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and Moulin Rouge!
If anyone really wants to know, my 2008 Top 100 is still up on my site... but I'm definitely making a new list next year.
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