Holy shit - it's back! I'm back on the horse, and so is this here game. Only two in the last two months? For shame! Congrats to Hatter on the clean sweep last time 'round - his first points on the leaderboard.
J.D. - 36
TheGreatWhiteDope - 27.5
Dreamrot (smacdonn), simoncolumb - 7
Nick, Wendymoon - 6
Clive Dangerously, Justin, JLG - 5
Steel11Kane (Kano), BD79, Rachel - 4
Jason/Daniel, David Bishop, Jason Soto, Andy, TheAnswerMVP2001, Mad Hatter - 3
TJMAC510 - 2.5
Evan Derrick, Alex, Stevee Taylor - 2
TonyD, Luke Harrington, Adam Ross, Anders, Dave, Big Mike Mendez, Nic Cage, CaptainRon19, Anh Khoi Do, Tom - 1
Here are the altered/actual posters from last time:
12 people have chosen wisely: on "Stained Glass Cinema Sunday (#117)"
Expert = Traffic?
expert- no country for old men?
beginner - number 23?
1) Edge of Darkness?
2) The Fountain?
Nope - still none correct.
Expert: Hamlet 2?
Beginning: The Science of Sleep?
Beginner = Chicago?
Expert = Boogie Nights = WRONG!!!
Wrong still.
Hints: Beginner - released in the mid-90s. Expert - a guilty pleasure of mine...I'm sure I've referenced it here before.
'Fraid not. Looks like we've found one game at least that you can't dominate. :D Appreciate the efforts, though.
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