Alright, drastic times call for desperate measures. J.D. has won four straight weeks, folks. I'm not sure if this means that: a) he's just better than the rest of you, b) he's just faster than the rest of you, or c) the posters are just too easy, but I'm ramping up the difficulty for the foreseeable future.
Impress me, J.D.
Standings:J.D. - 10
Fletch - 6
Wendymoon - 5
Jason/Daniel, Nick - 3
Evan Derrick, Jason Soto - 2
Steel11Kane, TonyD, Luke Harrington, Rachel, Adam Ross, Justin, Anders, Dreamrot, David Bishop, Dave - 1
Here are the altered/actual posters from last time:

14 people have chosen wisely: on "Stained Glass Cinema Sunday (#42)"
Casino Royale?
Yeah, I was thinking it was a Bond film, too.
No dice, Clive.
And it's not a Bond film at all. Though the star has been in one... ;)
Robert Carlyle in Hitler: Rise of Evil?
The Godfather?
Sorry, Heather - that's not it, either. close. Wait - is that a joke or a real movie?
J.D. - nothing?!?
Hint: It's not Robert Carlyle. :D
Iron Man?
Schindlers List?
Damn, I took the 'so close' to mean it was Robert Carlyle. And by the way, the Hitler movie is real.
No, my "so close" was more or less a joke, especially since I didn't know if the flick was real or not.
Sorry, Roddy. No winners there, either.
No more hints. I need a stumping to prop up my stats. :D
I win.
The answer was...The Rich Man's Wife, with Halle Berry.
Yup, I wouldn't have gotten that.
Happy, Fletch?!
(And the verification is "scheme"... hmmmmmmm...)
You're damn straight I'm happy! We'll see if I can stump you (and the rest of the players) two weeks in a row. If I do, I might revert back to some easier ones, or just mix it up. I've got quite a bit of both types stocked up.
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