It's that time again for TGITDNMAR, which (obviously) stands for Thank God It's The Day New Movies Are Released.
Just three more Fridays in February, movie fans (would have been two if it weren't for that evil leap year). Just three more weeks of dread before "spring" movie season begins in March, though it must be said that Jumper this week and Vantage Point next week could shape up as solid fare. Still, there's a ton of crap to wade through...
Now's a good time to mention that Blog Cabins may or may not be on hiatus next week, as Mrs. Fletch and I journey to Las Vegas and upstate Washington. Though the laptop will be joining us, and there will surely be LAMB posts, I can't say the same for here. You never know, though - I might just whip up a bunch of posts this weekend in preparation (like my long overdue Atonement review). We'll see...check back next week just in case.
Diary of the Dead
George A. Romero is back with yet another installment of his zombie series, this one an origin tale of sorts (though how is that possible considering that the concept appears to be possibly titled as Cloverfield of the Dead? Were there camcorders in the 60s (or whenever the series started)? Me thinks not. Me also thinks that I'll be passing, as I have yet to see an ...of the Dead film, and hardly think this is the time to start.
Fletch's Chance of Viewing (in the theater): 1%
Yes, Hayden Christiesen was awful in the Star Wars prequels - but wasn't everyone? Whenever his name comes up in discussions, I tell people to watch Shattered Glass, and I'll do the same here. An excellent Christensen combined with Peter Sarsgaard, Chloe Sevigny and Hank Azaria, plus great writing and direction from Billy Ray (Breach) = great movie.
As for this one, I'm definitely leery. I'm sick to death of Sam Jackson, but the concept looks like it might have legs, and Doug Liman's track record (Mr. and Mrs. Smith notwithstanding) is awesome (Go, Swingers, The Bourne Identity).
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: 70%
Definitely, Maybe
This has a terrible, generic title, and I'm really not buying Ryan Reynolds as the father of an 11-year old, but the cast is pretty fantastic. Hell, I wasn't even aware that Kevin Kline was in it (how far has he fallen?) until just now, much less Rachel Weisz, the great character actor Kevin Corrigan, and 40 Year Old Virgin vixen Elizabeth Banks. I'm certainly not excited, but could probably be talked into this one.
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: 38%
The Spiderwick Chronicles
I'm not too interested in this one, but Mrs. Fletch is all over it, and Freddie Highmore is a talented young actor. That ticks up the percentage...
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: 49%
Step Up 2: The Streets
This one doesn't even deserve a picture. That's right, Step Up 2, I'm withholding a poster from your entry - what are you gonna do about it? Dance for me, monkey - dance!
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: There's a better chance of me breakdancing my way down to the theater.
Just three more Fridays in February, movie fans (would have been two if it weren't for that evil leap year). Just three more weeks of dread before "spring" movie season begins in March, though it must be said that Jumper this week and Vantage Point next week could shape up as solid fare. Still, there's a ton of crap to wade through...
Now's a good time to mention that Blog Cabins may or may not be on hiatus next week, as Mrs. Fletch and I journey to Las Vegas and upstate Washington. Though the laptop will be joining us, and there will surely be LAMB posts, I can't say the same for here. You never know, though - I might just whip up a bunch of posts this weekend in preparation (like my long overdue Atonement review). We'll see...check back next week just in case.

George A. Romero is back with yet another installment of his zombie series, this one an origin tale of sorts (though how is that possible considering that the concept appears to be possibly titled as Cloverfield of the Dead? Were there camcorders in the 60s (or whenever the series started)? Me thinks not. Me also thinks that I'll be passing, as I have yet to see an ...of the Dead film, and hardly think this is the time to start.
Fletch's Chance of Viewing (in the theater): 1%

Yes, Hayden Christiesen was awful in the Star Wars prequels - but wasn't everyone? Whenever his name comes up in discussions, I tell people to watch Shattered Glass, and I'll do the same here. An excellent Christensen combined with Peter Sarsgaard, Chloe Sevigny and Hank Azaria, plus great writing and direction from Billy Ray (Breach) = great movie.
As for this one, I'm definitely leery. I'm sick to death of Sam Jackson, but the concept looks like it might have legs, and Doug Liman's track record (Mr. and Mrs. Smith notwithstanding) is awesome (Go, Swingers, The Bourne Identity).
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: 70%

This has a terrible, generic title, and I'm really not buying Ryan Reynolds as the father of an 11-year old, but the cast is pretty fantastic. Hell, I wasn't even aware that Kevin Kline was in it (how far has he fallen?) until just now, much less Rachel Weisz, the great character actor Kevin Corrigan, and 40 Year Old Virgin vixen Elizabeth Banks. I'm certainly not excited, but could probably be talked into this one.
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: 38%

I'm not too interested in this one, but Mrs. Fletch is all over it, and Freddie Highmore is a talented young actor. That ticks up the percentage...
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: 49%
Step Up 2: The Streets
This one doesn't even deserve a picture. That's right, Step Up 2, I'm withholding a poster from your entry - what are you gonna do about it? Dance for me, monkey - dance!
Fletch's Chance of Viewing: There's a better chance of me breakdancing my way down to the theater.
13 people have chosen wisely: on "TGITDNMAR (2/15/08)"
Diary of the Dead: I'm a huge Romero fan, and I'd totally be on top of this... if it came here (it's only limited release). It's supposed to be just as good as Night of the Living Dead was, too. Oh, and it's a documentary crew, not just people with camcorders. They're in the middle of filming a documentary when it starts. And for the record, Diary has been in production since long before Cloverfield.
Jumper: Just got home from seeing it... review will be up shortly. As for a quick preview: Hayden is channeling Anakin for this movie, apparently.
Step Up 2: Didn't see the first one, but this one might be fun because I like watching street dancing. It's not a movie for the story, obviously, but just fun to watch.
Jumper looks okay, popcorn fare, but Jamie Bell rocks.
Nothing else opens that I want to see, so it is a pretty boring weekend, maybe I should catch up with some older releases that are so much better than anything released this week. Great blog, just found in right now, glad I did.
Jumper looks okay, popcorn fare, but Jamie Bell rocks.
Nothing else opens that I want to see, so it is a pretty boring weekend, maybe I should catch up with some older releases that are so much better than anything released this week. Great blog, just found in right now, glad I did.
You know Dylan, it would be really fun watching you breakdance your way down to the theater actually. Make sure you put up the clip on Youtube! I bet it will reach a million hits in no time :D
Ooh, I can hardly wait for your Atonement review. It seems to me that maybe we'll have a review that isn't praising it to high heaven for a change.
Diary - Yeah, start with Night Of. Still the best and most important...But you avoid black and white, right? *wink-wink*
Jumper - Going to see Jumper is like going into a physical reimagining of the suicide machine Bender almost used on Futurama.
Definitely, Maybe - The pedrigree looks promising. Love Actually and Four Weddings guys made it, but I tend to leave the romance for the DVD shelf.
Step Up 2 - I'm tired of wigga's. Yeah, I said it.
You have to admit the trailer for Step Up 2 was pretty fly. Thats right I said fly.
A well done trailer.
shea: I agree. The lead dude looked... pretty fly for a white guy.
Oh yeah, I went there. But seriously, I liked the trailer for Step Up 2.
I totally agree with you about Hayden Christensen - he sucks in just about everything except "Shattered Glass," where he's actually great.
(I just watched him in "Factory Girl" doing a godwaful Bob Dylan - especially painful to watch after seeing so many good variations on Dylan in "I'm Not There")
I totally agree with you about Hayden Christensen - he sucks in just about everything except "Shattered Glass," where he's actually great.
(I just watched him in "Factory Girl" doing a godwaful Bob Dylan - especially painful to watch after seeing so many good variations on Dylan in "I'm Not There")
@DC Girl - you know, I think we actually own Night of..., but I still have yet to watch it. True on the B/W thing, though...I'll have to get over it.
Did anyone ever like wiggas?
@ Shea - or the phrase "pretty fly?"
@ Nick - or the phrase "pretty fly for a white guy?" (Obviously, the only accepted use of that phrase was for the Offspring song.)
@ Pat - no worries; I'll be skipping Factory Girl as well. :)
Even as a horror movie fanatic, I am so burned out on the "{X} of the Dead" Romero movies that I doubt I'll see this one.
I'll Netflix Jumper...eventually.
(See, I didn't totally die! I promise!)
Dance movies were bad enough in the 80's when this crap was popular. As far as I'm concerned, the only good thing to come out of any dance movie is the line "Nobody puts baby in the corner"... which in itself is a stupid line if you put any thought into it.
Even if you haven't seen any dead film, you could see Diary Of The Dead. It's a redo of sorts and yeah, I think it's pretty tired but I still love mes some zombies.
Jumper. Blows. That's all I have to say about that.
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