I've decided to start up a new blog (of sorts). It's called the Large Association of Movie Blogs (LAMB), and is not at all a real association, but is intended to be a central location, a directory of sorts, for the numerous movie blogs out there. I'm sending a call out to any and all movie bloggers out there that would like to be posted on there, as I hope it would be a place for movie bloggers (and movie blog readers) to learn about other sites out there. With a number of blog directories and everyone's blogrolls being pretty scattershot, and with Google being a crapshoot as well, I know I'd like a place to go to read up a little bit about a number of sites and maybe get to know the authors (and their intentions) rather than surf blindly.
It's still wildly raw (and admittedly not much to look at), but I've given it the green light and have even posted an (abbreviated) entry for Blog Cabins there as well. Please check it out at: http://largeassmovieblogs.blogspot.com/. If you like it and would like to submit your site there, please follow the instructions given there. If you don't like it, feel free to give me ideas for how to make it better. And please - SPREAD THE WORD! Put up a link, write a post, get involved - it can only serve to benefit us all in the long run.
6 people have chosen wisely: on "The LAMB"
I like this idea.
Gracias - I figured you'd be up for it.
Nice Post.
Sounds like a great idea. I'm a big movie buff and two of my very good friends have blogs that they write movie reviews on. Here are their links if you want to check them out...i'll also send the LAMB blog link to them.
Thank you much, Krystal. I've been to Sheamus' site often, but haven't heard of afrazier's. Will have to check it out.
Great idea, Fletch, wish I thought of it!
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