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May 8, 2011

Stained Glass Cinema Sunday (#132)

[Note: this site is no longer publishing new content - please come check out my awesome new site, Man, I Love Films! http://manilovefilms.com. Thanks!]



J.D. - 47
TheGreatWhiteDope - 35.5
Steel11Kane (Kano) - 8
Dreamrot (smacdonn), simoncolumb - 7
Nick, Wendymoon, Stevee Taylor, BD79 - 6
Clive Dangerously, Justin, JLG, Mad Hatter, Rachel - 5
Jason/Daniel, David Bishop, Jason Soto, Andy, TheAnswerMVP2001 - 3
TJMAC510 - 2.5
Evan Derrick, Alex - 2
TonyD, Luke Harrington, Adam Ross, Anders, Dave, Big Mike Mendez, Nic Cage, CaptainRon19, Anh Khoi Do, Tom, Andy the Time Lord - 1

Here are the altered/actual posters from last time:

5 people have chosen wisely: on "Stained Glass Cinema Sunday (#132)"

French Toast Sunday said...

Im gonna take a guess:
Beginner: Smokin Aces
Expert: Wild at Heart

Colin Biggs said...

Expert: Crazy Heart?

Fletch said...

@ Lindsay - Smokin' Aces is correct!

@ Lindsay, Fitz - Afraid the word 'heart' is not in the Expert title in any fashion. ;)

And Fitz - why did you go back to last week's and give an answer? (The Full Monty)

BD79 said...

I'm thinking maybe "Made" for the expert poster?

Colin Biggs said...

You asked which film I had the answer to.

Punch-Drunk Love?