"You're the best...around!"
Awarded to: The Best of the Best, Most Outstanding films.

"It's in the hole!"
Awarded to: Excellent films

"Darn tootin'!"
Awarded to: Very Good films

"You seem a decent fellow, I hate to kill you"
Awarded to: Good films

Awarded to: Fair films

"I want you punch me as hard as you can."
Awarded to: Painful films

"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!"
Awarded to: The Worst of the Worst, Most Epically Bad films.
To avoid confusion, this legend will soon be posted along the side of the page. Accompanying any review will be a smaller version of the rating icon, along with the quote. At some point, I will probably go back and retroactively rate my prior reviews.
I only wish this was as fun for you as it was for me. Being a geek entitles you to cheap thrills every now and then, I suppose...
3 people have chosen wisely: on "The Official Fletch Film Rating Scale"
Bravo, Fletch. Bravo.
Looks good, fletch. The problem with number-based movie rating systems is that they try to quantify something that is qualitative. I think what you've got now is a lot better. Especially with some many categories at that upper end.
I'm a big fan of the ease of use that your rating system (and the sidebar widget) provides.
Also, I would agree with Abe on numerical rating systems. The largest problem I face with my own blog is trying to pin a definitive number on each film. The issue becomes even stickier when you have to consider each movie in the hierarchy of what you've already reviewed... woof!
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