Sorry so late - been away all day.
J.D. - 30
TheGreatWhiteDope - 22.5
Dreamrot (smacdonn) - 7
Nick, Wendymoon - 6
Clive Dangerously, Justin - 5
simoncolumb, Steel11Kane (Kano), BD79 - 4
Jason/Daniel, David Bishop, Rachel, JLG - 3
TJMAC510 - 2.5
Evan Derrick, Jason Soto - 2
TonyD, Luke Harrington, Adam Ross, Anders, Dave, Big Mike Mendez, Nic Cage, CaptainRon19, TheAnswerMVP2001, Anh Khoi Do - 1
Here are the altered/actual posters from last time:
8 people have chosen wisely: on "Stained Glass Cinema Sunday (#106)"
Geez, it's about TIME!! (I kid you, my friend)
Beginner - Airheads
Expert - Earth Colors: The Movie.
...I'll have to get back to the Expert one....
Orrrrr...maybe not.
Anyone else want this one; it's late, and I got work tomorrow. Night.
I know it's not, but...
Expert - Tears of the Sun?
Beginner: Pink Panther (the remake)
Airheads is correct, but so far, that's it.
The Ten?
The Ten, indeed.
Suuuuuuuuuuck it, ev'ryone.
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