In honor of, well, nothing (how insane!), I've decided to host a blog-a-thon spotlighting 30 great movies in which craziness, insanity, and or someone that's just plain loco is involved. Most are from the last 25 years or so, but I've tossed in a few classics as well, for those classically inclined.
Movies about people that are nuts have a long, storied history in Hollywood - after all, what's more fun for an actor than to play a loon? As a bonus, they often get nominated for awards aplenty and sometimes even win.
Easy enough? I've already claimed a film below - as others claim their films, I will update this post with their names. Please - please - only claim a film if you fully intend to write something about it. Any questions, let me know. And of course, feel free to let others know about this.
9/1 - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Mad Hatter
9/2 - The Fisher King - Olive
9/3 - Full Metal Jacket - Simon
9/4 - Jacob's Ladder - Andreas
9/6 - Shock Corridor - Ivan
9/7 - Se7en - Sebastian
9/8 - The Dream Team - Jess (from IIE)
9/9 - Donnie Darko - Simon
9/10 - Solaris (either version) - Fitz
9/11 - Fight Club - Kai
9/12 - 12 Monkeys - Dave
9/13 - Crazy People - Jess (from IIE)
9/14 - American Psycho - Castor
9/15 - Event Horizon - Angie
9/16 - Psycho - DeeDee
9/17 - Misery - Nick
9/18 - Barton Fink - Scott
9/19 - Identity - Rachel
9/20 - Requiem for a Dream - Liam
9/21 - The Talented Mr. Ripley - Alex
9/22 - Apocalypse Now - Fletch
9/23 - Girl, Interrupted - filmgeek
9/24 - Secret Window - Steve Miller, Writer of Stuff
9/25 - Falling Down - The Lightning Bug (aka Zachary)
9/26 - A Beautiful Mind - Jess (from ANLM)
9/27 - Primal Fear - MovieNut14
9/28 - Taxi Driver - Travis
9/29 - Nurse Betty - Steve Miller, Writer of Stuff
9/30 - The Shining - Jason
Now, I have just one more question for you:
57 people have chosen wisely: on "30 dAyS oF cRAzY blog-a-thon"
Oh... tough choices! I knew you would include 12 Monkeys, which I was gonna snatch... because that's one of my favorite Pitt performances. However, then I saw you put Misery up on there.
I'm gonna go with Misery.
It be yours - thanks for playing!
I'll be last'ies and do The Shining. I did Jacob's Ladder and Event Horizon on the Movie Bucket List but I wanna write something new. If you still want the links to those reviews though, let me know.
PS: I was gonna comment on how you took my "30 Days of Night" banner rip off from my 30 Days of Horror that I did some years back but I saw the other (horrible :P) MS paint posters and gave you a break.
Make sure and remind me, Dylan!!! Just in case.
Bonjour! Fletch...
Please!...Let me cover Hitchcock's Psycho...I wonder why?
Perkins,(Norman Bates) was as about as "looney" as a "bin" bad his character wasn't as clever as a..."(F)ox"
[Postscript: I will place your banner on my blog too...By the way, I voted for Inception, Toy Story 3, and
Winterbones. in the poll over there on your sidebar.]
DeeDee ;-D
Oops! I'am so sorry about the minor typos (placing a period after the word "Winterbones" and no period after the word "Fox")
By the way, do your LAMBcast come in different sizes or it's just two sizes Large and Medium?
Because I want to embed a smaller version on my blog.
DeeDee ;-D
I would have loved to take American Psycho but it's not on the list :(
Se7en! Mine! I call it!
Jason - you're in! Yes, absolutely send me links to any and all reviews/articles you have for any films listed.
And thanks for the break. ;)
Kai - Indeed, reminders will be a comin'. Especially for you.
DeeDee - Merci beaucoup - I have you down for Psycho.
The embeddable player for the LAMBcasts is not the best in the world, but you can manually modify the size of it in the code to the dimensions of your liking. I can't vouch for how good it will look once the size is changed (it's not proportional, unfortunately), but it's definitely possible. Thanks in advance for the plugging!
Castor - If you see a weak one on here that you'd like to replace with American Psycho, I have no problem making an exchange as this list is by no means set in stone, and I'd like to get any interested parties onboard.
Sebastian - Thank you, sir - feel free to roam about Kevin Spacey's brain.
"Especially for me"???
What are you implying, sir! :)
I will take 12 Monkeys if no one has made claim already. Taxi Driver can be my back up. Great idea for a blog-a-thon by the way.
Oh dang I wanted 12 Monkeys but it's too late. That's cool. I've been meaning to watch The Talented Mr Ripley for a while now so I'll take that one. Also I already have posts concerning Arsenic and Old Lace and both versions of Solaris, so I'll send those links to you.
I'll take Solaris (Soderbergh).
Kai - :D Haha - you know damn well what I mean.
Dave - sweet! And thanks! Looking forward to it.
Alex - 12 Monkeys seems to be a hot property, you just missed it. I haven't seen Ripley since the theater. I'm probably due for a rewatch on that one.
Fitz - Solaris it is.
I'll take the Cuckoo's Nest.
I've been meaning to revise my old review of "Nurse Betty" for some time. This will motivate me.
So... sign me up for "Nurse Betty."
Hatter - Cool - you're in!
Steve - Welcome to the Cabins; grab a seat and a beer, make yourself comfortable. Thanks for signing up; wow, you have a ton of sites, so I wasn't sure which one to link to - went with Cinema Steve.
Surprised there's no 'Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' on the list. :P
I'll take on 'Requiem for a Dream' if that's okay? Been meaning to watch it for awhile now.
I'll call Identity.
Liam, Rachel - signed, sealed, delivered.
Loving the turnout so far. This is shaping up to be a heck of a show.
Fletch: Thank you for the welcome. Cinema Steve is the hub for all my review blogs, so good choice. (Not sure if Nurse Betty will be posted there or at Watching the Detectives, but time will tell. :D
Can I use an old post? If I can, I call Donnie Darko.
Dibs on Primal Fear!
Looks awesome :)
Can I claim Girl, Interrupted please
Simon - I'd prefer not to use older posts, but check back when I post an update. Depending on how filled up it gets, I may or may not open it up to older posts and people that want to do more than one.
MovieNut, filmgeek - Great - movies claimed!
I'll take Taxi Driver. Hey the guy is crazy and his name is Travis. It works for me.
Travis - quite fitting. Book it!
I'll take A Beautiful Mind... if that's ok... it makes me mad so I'm sure I'll be able to come up with something!
Ah, Jess beat me to A Beautiful Mind. I'll take The Dream Team if it's still open.
Can I call Donnie Darko officially?
I'll take Falling Down if no one has called it yet.
Jess, Jess, Simon, and Bug - In!
Very cool, we've got 2/3 of it filled. At this point, if anyone would like to take a second film, I'll open it up. I'll also be putting up an update later this week which will re-iterate that point.
I'll take Barton Fink - one of my absolute favorites, and I've never written about it. Thanks for the opportunity!
Scott - Great, and welcome to the Cabins!
Pretty excellent timing, too - your blog is the next in line to be posted @ the LAMB. :)
Quick question, can you post your write-up early and send the link?
Oh oh oh can I have Event Horizon??
Fletch -- If no one's called Arsenic and Old Lace yet, deal me in.
But how could you leave off Shock Corridor? (That's the one I'd rather do...)
Could you sign me up for The Fisher King? Thanks:) Olive
Simon - I'd prefer it to be a simulcast kind of thing, if you don't mind.
Angie - of course you can!
Ivan - Arsenic out, Shock Corridor in (never even heard of that one, but I suppose I'll learn about it now). :)
Olive - can, will, and did.
This is great - just 6 more spots open. I might take another one as we get closer.
Fletch, if Crazy People doesn't get picked, I'm happy to double up too. It's not available on Netflix, but I'd probably be able to do a decent review from memory - saw it dozens of times on TV.
Jess - Ok, I'll pencil you in for Crazy People as well. I really need to re-watch that - funny as hell flick, especially David Paymer. Hello.
If "Secret Window" is still open, I'd like to be slotted for it as well as "Nurse Betty."
Thanks for letting me participate!
If folks are going back for seconds now, I'll take the Jacket as well.
Steve, Zach - Booked.
Just three slots left, folks!
I just now found out about this, and by extreme coincidence, I have a not-yet-published review of Jacob's Ladder. Can I still sign up for it?
Really? No one has claimed Jacob's Ladder?
Cripes, I'm in. And this will be my first-time ever participating in a blogathan. Be gentle ...
I'm willing to stand down in deference to Andreas, especially since he already has a piece written ... I love the film, but would want to see it again in order to write my piece, and I actually have a baby due right around then, so making such a commitment would probably needlessly complicate my life. I will be an enthusiastic reader of the series, instead of a contributor!
Andreas - you're in.
Vance - good man, and considering your pending arrival, quite possible a good idea. Many thanks for the offer, though.
Plus, that's only fair, since Andreas got his request in 69 minutes before I did. Without comment moderation, I never would have gotten to make my request at all. Good luck!
I'm still willing to take on American Psycho if you need one more post.
Castor - Deal. You're in. I'll nix Full Metal Jacket from the proceedings in favor of American Psycho.
If there is still room, I'd love to get involved. I'd like to say I am just fashionably late, but really...I'm just late. I'd love to write about Tony Curtis in his remarkable turn as "The Boston Strangler" oppsoite Henry Fonda. Looks like you are all full, but if one bows out, let me know here on on the Magic Lantern....thanks, man! looking forward to reading these...
Peter - yep, I'm afraid you just missed claiming a spot. I will keep you in mind should someone back out, though - thanks for the offer!
Are you allowed to use links to films that were not included on your list? I have some large projects I'm working on, so I might not have time to write something new, but I'm sure I have several in my archives that would qualify. E-mail me back if that's OK. My e-mail is in my profile.
OK, Fletch, thanks. My bad. If a spot opens, just let me know!
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