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Sep 8, 2009

Just because: "That's a knife!"

Posit: The Crocodile Dundee sequels make the The Matrix sequels look like Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade in comparison. Any mention of the craptasticness of The Matrix sequels should require a mention of the Dundee ones as well, as in "You know, Reloaded was ok, but Revolutions was a steaming heap of circular logic, time-wasting, repetitive crap...though both were still worlds better than those Crocodile Dundee sequels."

6 people have chosen wisely: on "Just because: "That's a knife!""

Tom said...

Is the "That's not a knife" from Part 1 or 2? I can never remember.

wiec? said...

the only sequel for Dundee i can remember was the one where he goes up against Columbian drug lords.

there was another one after that? yikes.

Clive Dangerously said...

"No, that's a spoon."

"I see you've played knifey-spoony before."

There was a third Dundee movie about 10 years ago. He had a son. Delightful family romp, or something.

Fletch said...

Tom - the sequence above is from the first one. It's probably my favorite part of the movie, which is saying something, because I consider the first to be a great guilty pleasure flick. Not earth-shattering, but a fun flick and very re-watchable.

wiec & Clive - yea, the drug lords one was numero dos. To be honest, I never saw the third one (Croc Dundee in LA), but I'm gonna go out on a limb (and take the word of IMDb voters on this one) and say that it was pretty bad. I would like to see it sometime, just to see how bad it was...

JLG said...

I have to say, in Croc 3, when Mick goes to a Wendy's drive thru, and says "Allo Wendy!" I laughed.

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

The Matrix sequels aren't bad. The problem is that most people tend to dramatically overrate the original movie.