So, the CoWs for June 16-22:
* J.D. knows what the best Cage role of the last 15 years was:
"The best thing Cage has done in years was his brilliant turn as Fu Manchu in Rob Zombie's faux GRINDHOUSE trailer. I was hoping that doing that bit would "inspire" Cage to try more edgier fare. Guess not."
* Chivid is not a fan of the star of Dirty Work:
"Unfortunately, Norm MacDonald is due to die any day now when the implosive force of his massive unfunniness sucks himself into a quantum singularity from which the only thing that will escape is the obnoxious odor of unearned ego."
* Clive Dangerously sympathizes with Tim Roth:
"I am five-seven, and indeed it is short."
And the winner of the Chong Li Memorial Comment of the Week is...
* Daniel, in response to my Nic Cage/Bangkok Dangerous post, was very succinct and accurate:
"Dude's terrible. Period."
8 people have chosen wisely: on "Giving back"
Winner! Before the contest was even announced!
Well that didn't take too much effort on my part. It's pretty much the same thing as saying "the sky is blue."
Great feature Fletch!
I like this, and not just because it's about me (though it helps)!
Daniel, sometimes the simplest answer is the best one.
Clive, I'll see what I can do to keep you involved. ;)
Jess - flattery might get you onto next week's week. Might...
Great new feature. And thanks for the shout out, I'm glad I made the cut!
You just had to work it in there about Cage, didn't you? ;)
Great feature!
I still hate you.
How funny would it be if next week's CoW was about how funny it would be if next week's CoW was about if next week's Cow was about...
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