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Mar 10, 2008

Survivor Joel: "If that means dragging him through the fence then I'll drag him through the fence"

Buddy TV posted an interview on Friday with recently ousted "Fan" Joel from Survivor: Micronesia. Since I'm a big, big fan of Joel's (or not), I thought I'd share this with you.

Amongst the highlights:

* "I don't think"
* "I was one of the weak players"
* "I never would ever go to Tribal Council"
* "he...be my partner"
* "work my butt"
* "I have no idea"
* "I'm at home"
* "I go back to serving the city of Phoenix"

Joel, whenever you're ready to serve me, I'm available.

The above comments are all taken horribly out of context, if not worse (though I could have been harsher). The full (read: real) transcript and MP3 of the interview can be found here: http://www.buddytv.com/articles/survivor/exclusive-interview-joel-ander-17426.aspx

Finally, since I'm a nice, mature guy that holds no hard feelings, here's a pic I took of Joel in happier times. Enjoy!

3 people have chosen wisely: on "Survivor Joel: "If that means dragging him through the fence then I'll drag him through the fence""

Anonymous said...

Careful dear, that hulking mass lives nearby. And obviously doesn't mind picking others smaller than he.

Matt said...

I suggest increased ribbing and a youtube video of the subsequent beat down.

Anonymous said...

I know where you live, Fletch. You had better look out!